Contenu de l'article

Titre Le dualisme du marché du travail : enjeux et fondements théoriques
Auteur Hélène Zajdela
Mir@bel Revue Economie et prévision
Numéro no 92-93, 1990/1-2 La formation des salaires : de la "loi du marché" aux stratégies des acteurs
Page 31-42
Résumé anglais The Dualism of the Job Market: Issues and Theoretical Bases, by Hélène Zajdela. Ever since the time of Doeringer and Piore's work, the segmentation of the work market has frequently been described in terms of two different sectors existing at the same time: a primary sectorwith high wages, job stability and opportunities for promotion, and asecondary sector with low wages, high risk of unemployment and no opportunities for promotion. This paper attempts to explain how recent theories about the job market, especially theories involving efficiency wages and wage negotiations, brought about a conceptual renewal in this field by giving reasons for rationing employment in the primary sector, wage differential between the two sectors and the persistance of unemployment.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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