Contenu de l'article

Titre Fermetures d'usines et durées du chômage : signaux et comportements de recherche d'emploi au Canada
Auteur Pierre Grenier, David M. Gray
Mir@bel Revue Economie et prévision
Numéro no 113-114, 1994/2-3 Études du marché du travail
Rubrique / Thématique
I. Contrat, chômage
Page 207-217
Résumé anglais Factory Closures and Lengths of Unemployment: Job-Seeking Signals and Job-Seeking Behaviour in Canada, by David M. Gray and Pierre Grenier. The literature suggests that displaced workers who have lost their job due to a factory closure experience shorter periods of unemployment that those who have lost their job due to redundancies affecting only part of a factory's workers. This effect is said to come about through recall anticipations and the intensity of the worker's search for a new job. However, another recent interpretation upholds that the observed correlation picks up a signal effect: negative information on the unobserved productivity of a worker is relayed when the worker is made redundant. The article tests the validity of these two hypotheses using the Enquête canadienne auprès des travailleurs déplacés (the Canadian Survey of Displaced Workers), which contains information apt to separate out the two effects. The results suggest that, in Canada, the effect of recall anticipations dominates the signal effect.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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