Titre | Programmation mathématique positive et offre de céréales et d'oléagineux dans l'Union Européenne sous l'agenda 2000 | |
Auteur | Jean-Pierre Butault, Ahmed Barkaoui | |
Revue | Economie et prévision | |
Numéro | no 142, 2000/1 | |
Page | 13-25 | |
Résumé anglais |
Positive Mathematical Programming and Cereal and Oilseed Supply in the European Union Under Agenda 2000 by Ahmed Barkaoui and Jean-Pierre Butault
In this study, we simulate the effect that Agenda 2000' s CAP reform projects will have on the EU field crop supply by 2005. We apply the Positive Mathematical Programming method at regional level in twelve EU Member States. Simulations are based on the 1994 Community FADN database. Our forecasts show that cereal production will increase sharply and oilseed production will decrease over the period from 1994*to 2005. These results will have a considerable effect on market equilibrium. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/ecop_0249-4744_2000_num_142_1_5985 |