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Titre Du néolibéralisme multiculturel aux mobilisations post-multiculturelles
Auteur Paola Bolados García, Guillaume Boccara
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 56, octobre 2014 Les Amériques indiennes face au néolibéralisme
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Les Amériques indiennes face au néolibéralisme
Page 74-84
Résumé anglais From Multicultural Neoliberalism to Post-Multicultural Mobilizations (Chile). The notion of « neoliberal multiculturalism » has been adopted by critical anthropologists to characterize the dual movement of acknowledgement of cultural diversity and commodification. Nevertheless, in the Chilean case, it seems more appropriate to designate the multicultural mutation that took place in the 1990s, following the neoliberal revolution carried out during the dictatorship (1973-1989), by the term multicultural neoliberalism. For cultural diversity appears to be nothing more than one of the possible domains for the extension of the new neoliberal order. In this context, Indigenous peoples' social struggle is reduced to a merely cultural or ethnic set of demands. However we shall see that in recent social and environmental conflicts, where the issue at stake has been the question of common goods (education, health, and natural resources), mobilizations have tended to be unethnic and delineate a new post-multicultural space.
Source : Éditeur (via
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