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Titre Weil critique du marxisme : leçons pour repenser l'organisation du travail
Auteur Christine Noël Lemaitre, Renato Di Ruzza
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 56, octobre 2014 Les Amériques indiennes face au néolibéralisme
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 133-146
Résumé anglais Weil as a Critic of Marxism: Lessons for a Reappraisal of the Question of the Organization of Work
Simone Weil was a sustained and trenchant critic of Marxism from 1930 till her death. In her writings as a philosopher she proposes a rereading of the Marxist analysis of the alienation of work, pointing to the inadequacies and illusions of Marx's project. Whereas Marx locates the origins of alienation (defined as the human subject's incapacity to comprehend its work) in the structure of the capitalist market, Weil is convinced that alienation stems from the very nature of the organization of work. The points of convergence between Marx and Weil are essential to an understanding of the philosophy of Simone Weil and to a fuller grasp of its originality and current relevance.
Source : Éditeur (via
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