Titre | Population et société à Pourrières, 1368-1430. Premier bilan d'une enquête | |
Auteur | Noël Coulet | |
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Revue | Etudes rurales |
Numéro | no 51, 1973 | |
Page | 85-111 | |
Résumé anglais |
Population and Society in Pourrières 1368-1430. An Evaluation of Research Work.
This article describes the first stage of a research project undertaken in 1970-71 by the History Department of Aix-en-Provence and devoted to the study of a Provençal village, Pourrières, during the Low Middle Ages. Although much research is still left to be done, the information furnished by fiscal documents and official records from the period in question gives an idea of what the village must have been like near the end of the 14th century. Because the cadastres are incomplete and/or difficult to interpret, only partial and approximate results were obtained in the study of land distribution and exploitation. The documents concerning residence are more informative, indicating a progressive concentration of living space. With the exception of one or two notaries, a smith and a weaver, all the village inhabitants were peasants, but if their activities were similar, their fortunes were far from equal. After treating the political institutions of the community, this article deals with the principal preoccupation of the research group: the demographic evolution of Pourrières. To better understand the steady population decline revealed by the graph established on the basis of various fiscal documents, death rates, life expectancies, generation renewal and immigration are considered. As demographic history proves to be closely related to economic social history, research should be pursued along these lines. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/rural_0014-2182_1973_num_51_1_1880 |