Contenu de l'article

Titre L'endettement du paysan et le crédit rural en Thailande
Auteur Michel Lelart
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 61, 1976
Page 7-31
Résumé anglais Peasant Indebtedness and Rural Credit in Thailand. In all the developing countries where most of the population is rural, the peasants are much indebted and their indebtedness is growing. It is often difficult to know and explain this situation. The author has used an exceptional documentation in order to study this problem in Thailand. He has calculated the peasant indebtedness by the number of the families in debt and the average debt of each one. This situation is explained by the difference between the resources and the needs of the peasants, but the less poor families borrow as much as the most unprovided. The peasants have not many possibilities to borrow: co-operatives are still embryonary; banks prefer the most efficient sectors; Government has not really faced this problem. Usury may be growing and ruin the weak stability of the thai agriculture, slowly but surely.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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