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Titre Le marché-gare de Carpentras. Entre tradition et modernité
Auteur Michèle de La Pradelle, Guy-Patrick Azémar
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 78-80, 1980 Foires et marchés ruraux en France
Rubrique / Thématique
Foires et marchés ruraux en France
Page 289-301
Résumé anglais The Railway Market at Carpentras, between Tradition and Modernity. Although in Carpentras the itinerant market and the wholesale market (which became a railway market in 1963) are spatially and economically distinct, a survey of their historical development since the end of the 19th century shows that these differences have not always existed. The wholesale market was set up during an agricultural revolution and became progressively differenciated from the itinerant market. But historical research and field surveys show that their links, some obvious, some less so, have subsisted: the itinerant market, the railway market and the satellite wholesale market form together a dynamic network of market places. It appears, through a brief analysis of the transformations of agriculture in the Comtat, that not only was the wholesale market the place where these alterations occurred, but it also favoured and directed them. Related to the general economic system, and also rooted in local customs, intimately mixing tradition and modernity, markets change progressively and are a basis for innovation.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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