Contenu de l'article

Titre Coutume savante et droit rustique. Sur la légalité paysanne
Auteur Louis Assier-Andrieu
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 103-104, 1986 Droit et paysans
Rubrique / Thématique
Le droit et les paysans
Page 105-137
Résumé anglais Learned Custom and Rustic Law. On Peasant Legality Either "rustic" or "customary", the european peasant was alternatively thought to be an exception to the common law or considered as a genuine basic cause of the whole people's law. After an account of the theoretical problems of an anthropological approach of the legal field, this paper questions the relevance of such ideas taken for granted about the relationship between peasants and the law. Through French examples, the meaning of the integration of family structures into customary law and the rise of a special status of the countryman are particularly evoked.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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