Contenu de l'article

Titre Fonctions sociales et dimensions subjectives du littoral
Auteur Françoise Péron
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 133-134, 1994 Littoraux en perspectives
Page 31-43
Résumé anglais Social Functions and Subjective Dimensions of the Coast Rather than expounding full results from a completed research project, this preliminary reflexion tries to set the basis and orientations for a major program of surveys to be undertaken in order to understand current perceptions and experiences of the coastal environment. Light can thus be shed on the new mental geography of the coastline : how it is organized in general and structured by a few "high places" endowed with meaning. A genealogical perspective has been adopted. The discovery and construction of the seaboard for nonproductive purposes occurred in three major phases. The conversion of views from the beginning of the contemporary period, the reference to images from the late 19th century and the fusion of uses of the contemporary period that have ended by constituting a common heritage - more mythological than real - wherein everyone takes what he needs.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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