Contenu de l'article

Titre L'articulation littorale : un principe rittérien relu par Elisée Reclus
Auteur Isabelle Lefort
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 133-134, 1994 Littoraux en perspectives
Page 45-58
Résumé anglais The Littoral Articulation : A Ritterian Principle Reinterpreted by Elisée Reclus It took a long time for geographers to switch from a mere, terminological description of the coasts, which focused on ports and military aspects, to a reasoned analysis of how the coast is organized. To do this, Elisée Reclus put to use Karl Ritter's "littoral articulation principle". The French coastline serves as an example to show how much the libertarian geographer has managed to adopt this concept while avoiding its systematic determinism. On a small or medium scale, he has emphasized dynamic, physical as well as human, changes on the seaboard. On a big scale, he has tried to shed light on the possibilities that technical progress offers for development ; and he has resorted to the practices of traditional terminologies in order to move beyond them. Opposite Ritterian determinism, he has proposed a dynamic interpretation of coastal areas.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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