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Titre De la lagune à la mer. Quand passent les daurades...
Auteur Jean-Pierre Destand
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 133-134, 1994 Littoraux en perspectives
Page 95-112
Résumé anglais From Lagoon to Sea : When the Bream Pass In Sète, from late August till mid-November, people fish for bream. Since this fish is caught along quays or canals, this activity, which cyclically mobilizes knowledge and know-how, reveals the meeting of two types of geographical space : sea and pool. This invites us to explore the connections between three recurrent themes : sea, lagoon and city. This ethnographic investigation of bream-fishing sheds light on a seldom encountered sociability. Given this activity's invariability and constant repetition, a hypothesis is made about its ritualization. Sea, canal and pool are types of space found all around the edge of the Mediterranean and along parts of the Atlantic shore. By constantly resuming the sea/lagoon dialogue, these coastal zones occupy a central position in shaping the cultural universe of lagoon societies along the seashore.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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