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Titre Logiques d'une mise en valeur. L'estran de la baie du Mont-Saint-Michel
Auteur Michelle Salitot
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 133-134, 1994 Littoraux en perspectives
Page 127-136
Résumé anglais The Mentality Underlying Development : The Foreshore of the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay From being a natural site for shellfishery since ancient times, the foreshore of the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay became a productive and cultural center as of the 19th century. From being a natural resource, shellfish became a grown product. This change, which corresponded to the emergence of new activities on the national level, upset the symbolic bonds between men and places of production. Developing this bay, which belongs to the maritime public domain, fits into a productivistic mentality that makes objects and activities, past and present, patrimonial.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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