Contenu de l'article

Titre L'huître de Marennes. Entre domaine public et espaces privés
Auteur Pascale Legué-Dupont
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 133-134, 1994 Littoraux en perspectives
Page 137-147
Résumé anglais Oysters from Marennes : Between Public and Private Domain Marennes-Oléron ; foreshore, marshes ; oysters. These key words provide an overall picture of a French oyster-producing region where, in less than a century, three products have been successively obtained from two areas : the marshes, which are private property ; and the foreshore, which is part of the maritime public domain. From yesterday to today, what questions have arisen about the conception, management and uses of these oyster-producing areas ? What changes have occurred in the private/public mix ? The private/public distinction enables us to perceive the transition between facts of nature and facts of culture, as well as linkages between them.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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