Contenu de l'article

Titre Les statuts juridiques de l'étranger à la campagne
Auteur Louis Lorvellec
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 135-136, 1994 Etre étranger à la campagne
Page 37-44
Résumé anglais The Status of Foreigners in the French Countryside The legal norm first defines the foreigner ; then it gives him a statute, thus expressing the official attitudes of welcome or rejection, integration or assimilation. The rural dimension reinforces the exemplarity of the legal speech for the state regulates the relationship with the land. To begin with, French law seems to be less favourable to the rural foreigner than to the urban one. The former takes possession of a part of the territory ; the latter makes the country richer. This trend has proved to be true after World War II. Then French law has always selected "its" foreigners and offered a special statute to some of them, having resorted for a long time to selective assimilation techniques which prevail today as a consequence of European treaties.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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