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Titre L'étranger le plus proche : l'enfant de l'Assistance
Auteur Anne Cadoret
Mir@bel Revue Etudes rurales
Numéro no 135-136, 1994 Etre étranger à la campagne
Page 123-132
Résumé anglais The Closest Strangers : Children in State Care Children in state care, traditionally welcomed in the Morvan region, hold an important place in local culture. Participants in the demographic life of the community, as a result of their numbers and their youth, they also contribute to the economic life, first, through the wages paid by the state to wet-nurses for their upbringing and, later, through the work they do when older. The fact that they are "children in care" and thereby rootless and homeless orphans, creates above all two possibilities as far as family relationships are concerned : either an assimilation with children being "almost" members of the host family, "like" a son or a sister, or the maintenance of an insuperable otherness with lonely children having no family connection and being excluded from social exchanges.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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