Titre | Les salariés immigrés des serres légumières | |
Auteur | Françoise Bourquelot | |
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Revue | Etudes rurales |
Numéro | no 135-136, 1994 Etre étranger à la campagne | |
Page | 145-150 | |
Résumé anglais |
Immigrant Wage-Earners Working in Greenhouses Used for Growing Vegetables
For thirty years agriculture has mechanized productive tasks and suppressed paid work. Why, in such a context, is the sector of vegetables grown in glass greenhouses one of the few where paid labour is resorted to on a very large scale ? Employed to look after the vegetables and package them, these workers, who are often immigrants, are trained on-the-job in firms which have reached an advanced technological
level. How can we account for such a situation which reveals a complete discrepancy with what business executives say when they assert that they need highly qualified labour ? This text sums up the results of a survey made in a heterogeneous sector which is seldom studied. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/rural_0014-2182_1994_num_135_1_3491 |