Titre | Deux voies pour la demande effective | |
Auteur | Pierangelo Garegnani | |
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Revue | Cahiers d'économie politique |
Numéro | no 10-11, printemps-automne 1985 L'hétérodoxie dans la pensée économique | |
Rubrique / Thématique | I. Les fondements analytiques d'une hétérodoxie économique A. L'orthodoxie et sa critique |
Page | 21-31 | |
Résumé anglais |
The paper distinguishes between two routes along which orthodox theory can be criticized in order to establish the principle that aggregate demand may be insufficient to absorb the output obtainable from normal utilization of existing productive capacity. Keynes based himself on the obstacles which liquidity preference raises for the adaptation of the interest rate to changes in the incentive to invest. Another route has however been opened up by the critique of the orthodox notion of a «quantity» of.capitai which showed that there is no reason to assume a regular inverse relation between investment and the interest rate allowing the latter, even if flexible, to adjust investment to full employment savings. This second route deprives of its basis the neo-classical synthesis's attempt to confine «effective demand» to short period fluctuations and sets the ground for an analysis of its influence on accumulation. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cep_0154-8344_1985_num_10_1_991 |