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Titre Keynes et Schumpeter ou l'hétérodoxie des fondements analytiques
Auteur Alain Barrère
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'économie politique
Numéro no 10-11, printemps-automne 1985 L'hétérodoxie dans la pensée économique
Rubrique / Thématique
I. Les fondements analytiques d'une hétérodoxie économique
 B. Economie réelle et économie monétaire
Page 91-113
Résumé anglais Three positions, shared in common by both authors, allow to associate them in heterodoxy. 1. They lay the foundations of a dynamic analysis. The circuit and the neutral economy are images of a static approach, showing that the latter embodies neither the entrepreneur, nor credit. 2. They build a production economy, which is different from the exchange economy. For Schumpeter, the entrepreneur is the active factor of evolution, because he innovates while carrying out new combinations, the financing of which requires the use of credit. For Keynes, the entrepreneur anticipates the demand which calls for variable output and employment, and, taking into account a non-probabil- zed future, he uses credit to make the advance of wages and incomes which will allow realized production to be purchased. 3. Both authors conceive a monetary economy, characterized by the main following variables : capital, interest, and, for Keynes, wages and prices ; those phenomena are monetary ones, distinct from real phenomena.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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