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Titre La baisse tendancielle du taux de profit chez Marx (pertinence et limites d'un pronostic)
Auteur Philippe Adair
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'économie politique
Numéro no 10-11, printemps-automne 1985 L'hétérodoxie dans la pensée économique
Rubrique / Thématique
II. Hétérodoxie et histoire du capitalisme
 B. Crises et devenir du capitalisme
Page 305-322
Résumé anglais Marx's statement lays down, as a law, in various and rather impervious spaces (those of physical goods, value concepts and monetary ratios) ; therefore, it seems ambiguous. Controversies take place about the main contrary influences — growing rate of exploitation (pl/v) and constant organic composition of capital (c/v) — dealing with distribution theory (the profit squeeze interpretation and competition theory (Okishio's theorem). An empirical study, based on the case of France since World War II, brings paradoxical evidence : both pl/v and c/v, considered as monetary ratios, remain constant until the crisis occurs. Thus, if the fa/ling rate of profit results from the crisis, it cannot provide it.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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