Titre | Marx, Schumpeter et la question de la transition au socialisme | |
Auteur | Gérard Kebabdjian | |
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Revue | Cahiers d'économie politique |
Numéro | no 10-11, printemps-automne 1985 L'hétérodoxie dans la pensée économique | |
Rubrique / Thématique | II. Hétérodoxie et histoire du capitalisme B. Crises et devenir du capitalisme |
Page | 347-368 | |
Résumé anglais |
The divergence of the arguments put forward by Marx and Schumpeter to proclaim the end of capitalism and the inevitable passage to socialism rises from the opposition of two paradigms about the same proposal : the historical movement is the result of «the laws of development» which would determine the «contradictions of capitalism». This article tries to reconstitute how this différenciation determines two discording outlooks of the economic history. The paper explains that the foundations on which the opposition is built represent a key-point of the historical perspective-setting of the present capita/ism and of the current crisis. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cep_0154-8344_1985_num_10_1_1017 |