Contenu de l'article

Titre Hétérodoxie et scientificité chez Marx, Keynes et Schumpeter
Auteur Maurice Lagueux
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'économie politique
Numéro no 10-11, printemps-automne 1985 L'hétérodoxie dans la pensée économique
Rubrique / Thématique
II. Hétérodoxie et histoire du capitalisme
 C. Hétérodoxie et méthode de l'économie politique
Page 421-436
Résumé anglais It is out of question that Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter were heterodox in their relation to Economics considered as a science. A legitimate question however concerns the type of heterodoxy whic is characteristic of each of them. Kuhn's perception — and, to a lesser extent, Feyerabend's one — of the relations between heterodoxy and scientific knowledge are used here to display important differences, on this ground, among these three economists. The result is that the keynesian heterodoxy is the only one which really fits Kuhn's scheme about scientific revolutions ; schumpeterian heterodoxy being not so revolutionary and marxian heterodoxy being the sui generis case which is mainly discussed in this paper.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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