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Titre L'entendement dans la cité marchande selon la Théorie des Sentiments Moraux
Auteur Laurent Thévenot
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'économie politique
Numéro no 19, printemps 1991 Le marché chez Adam Smith
Page 5-27
Résumé anglais The understanding in the commercial city in the theory of moral sentiments. Adam Smith's is situated in the earlier political and moral philosophy literature adres- sing the issue of social order, rather than in the subsequent development of economics. Following the same pattern as other former constructions of cities, Smith offers a definition of social bonds which opens up the possibility of a common good transcending individuals'specificities. The author's contention is that the main categories of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, « Sympathy » and the « impartial spectator »'s position, are key features of this construction : they capture characteristics of human understanding needed for the type of coordination which lays the foundation of the market city.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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