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Titre Synthèse ricardienne, illusion keynésienne ? Un commentaire.
Auteur Christian Tutin
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'économie politique
Numéro no 22, printemps 1993 Actualité et spécificité de la pensée classique
Page 83-92
Résumé anglais This comment starts from a general discussion of the conceptual viability of the project of "ricardian synthesis" to which belongs professor Kurz's model of capital rate of utilization. Emphasis is made on two points : (i) The first one is the outstanding role played by financial factors, namely the "monetary" interest rate and the price of financial assets in the determination of investment, and thus in the construction of under-employment équilibra, conceived as "normal" situations. This allows to question the possibility of any analytical fusion with a classical theory devoted to the analysis of real capital, and which sees investment as constrained by the prior saving of profit earnings. (ii) Furthermore, the explicit denial by Keynes, after 1931-1932, of any idea of "natural" state or "natural" values makes highly questionable the possibility of making Keynesian short term states converge towards classical long term states. (iii) On this basis, the comment then examines some specific questions emerging from H.D. Kurz's model of capital utilization, such as the construction of an investment function, and its utilization for determining the current rate of utilization.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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