Contenu de l'article

Titre Le charisme comme ressource émotionnelle du mouvement social ? Dispositifs de sensibilisation dans une néo-confrérie pakistanaise
Auteur Alix Philippon
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 66, janvier-mars 2015 Communismes et circulations transnationales
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 105-124
Résumé anglais Charisma as an Emotional Resource of the Social Movement? Awareness-Raising Devices in a Pakistani Neo-Brotherhood Taking a sociology of social movements approach, the present article focuses on charismatic authority and emotions in a Pakisani Sufi neo-brotherhood, Minhaj-ul Quran. The brotherhood's founder/leader is considered a Sufi saint by his followers and his movement can be analyzed as an emotional community that has gradually become politicized. Qadri's charisma is understood as a resource that is refreshed and reinvigorated via awareness-raising devices (hagiographies, rituals, poems, videos, performances, etc.) that may partly explain the group's emergence and capacity for mobilization. Minhaj-ul Quran seems to be an original reinvention of the South Asian brotherhood tradition, bringing various types of activism (social, religious, political) together within an NGO and a political party. Though the latter withdrew from the political scene in 2005, it continues to successfully participate in various political causes.
Source : Éditeur (via
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