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Titre L'État moderne, une contribution originale des fonctionnaires des finances à la réforme de l'État (1928-1940)
Auteur Florence Descamps, maître de conférences en histoire à l'École pratique des hautes études
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 120, janvier 2007 Généalogies de la réforme de l'Etat
Rubrique / Thématique
Généalogies de la réforme de l'Etat
 Entrepreneurs de réforme et innovations organisationnelles dans l'entre-deux-guerres
Page 667
Résumé anglais L'État Moderne, an original contribution to state reform of the civil servants of the Finance Ministry (1928-1940). In the constellation of 1930s reform groups, L'État Moderne had a very distinct character. Both a discussion club and a specialized review that made an original contribution to thought on state reform – its sole subject of analysis and action – it consisted mainly of mid-level civil servants in the Finance Ministry actively involved in civil servants unions. The variety and practical nature of their proposals for reform in matters concerning taxation, the budget, accounting, parliament, institutions and administration show the determination of this group of technicians to turn their competencies to the management of public affairs and thus contribute to the renewal of the state model at a time when the parliamentary regime had been weakened by the war.
Source : Éditeur (via
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