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Titre La « cause » de la justice de transition dans le Burundi de l'après-conflit
Auteur Juliana Lima, Sara Dezalay
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 67, avril-juin 2015 Politiques du plaidoyer
Rubrique / Thématique
Thema - Politiques du plaidoyer
Page 51-65
Résumé anglais The Transitional Justice “Cause” in Post-Conflict Burundi Collective action in Burundi is constrained at two levels: locally and internationally. Faced with a hardening stance on the part of the regime and the complex and ambiguous relations between political power, local civil society and foreign diplomacies, mobilizations to promote transitional justice are part of a dynamic of accommodation between local policies and international prescriptions/practices. An examination of the rhetoric and modus operandi of the Burundi Reflection Group on Transitional Justice shows how the constraints entailed by the Burundi context affect the strategies, forms of action and effectiveness of transitional justice advocacy. Moreover, the meaning that the actors give to their involvement within the collective reveals the manner in which the circulation of knowledge and practices affects dynamics of professionalization among those involved in the establishment of transitional justice proceedings.
Source : Éditeur (via
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