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Titre El canon de la periferia
Auteur Karina Beatriz Lemes, Mercedes García Saraví
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 3, 2010 La Mémoire et ses représentations esthétiques en Amérique latine /2
Rubrique / Thématique
Mémoire et urgences textuelles
Résumé anglais This paper shows some findings of our ongoing research project dealing with the recuperation of literary memory in the province of Misiones by analysing a compilation of the literary manuscripts by the most representative authors of this northern region of Argentina. Here, we follow Fernado Ainsa's notions of canon and periphery, of memory spaces and construction of utopias. Ainsa sees the act of writing as a genetic process for it originates within a personal, visceral, and solitary realm. For Ainsa, writing is also a permanent search for identity which becomes richer when in contact with the world, when frontiers open up. These concepts allow us to interpret the social practices that gave birth to these aesthetic projects far away from Argentina's power centers.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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