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Titre Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, filial Córdoba
Auteur Vanesa Bello, Paula Villa
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 3, 2010 La Mémoire et ses représentations esthétiques en Amérique latine /2
Rubrique / Thématique
Mémoire et droits de l'homme
Résumé anglais This paper is based on a communicative and contextual analysis that accounts for the identification and interpretation of communicative practices conducted by the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, filial Cordoba under the governments of Raúl Alfonsin, Carlos Menem and Néstor Kirchner since his mandates had big differences in human rights policies. The organization could use vast expressive forms and/or aesthetic purposes communicational, political, social and cultural factors that made possible the achievement of its objectives. The communication, initially without knowing it, provided greater possibilities for their daily struggle and perseverance:this allowed a reaffirmation in the public spaces, the construction of a memory and a strong collective identity and with great social standing, reinforced internal unity and multiplied social external networks. Therefore, the practices operated as pillars in the search for the grandchildren priority increasingly its completion.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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