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Titre Con Sangre en el ojo : para una escritura de resistencia
Auteur Daniel Noemi Voionmaa
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 7, 2012 Imaginaire et réalité dans les Amériques: mémoire, identité et politique sexuelle
Résumé anglais This article studies the novel Sangre en el ojo (2012) (Blood in the Eye), by Chilean writer Lina Meruane. First, it argues about the distinction between resistance literature and resistance writing. As an example of the latter, the novel by Meruane presents a variety of narrative strategies or writing devices that contribute to create an ethics and aesthetics of resistance. The relevance of the body and in particular of the eyesight is highlighted. The novel allows us to think the possibility of a different gaze and visualization of reality ; one that breaks from the view/gaze imposed by the system/hegemony.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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