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Titre La cabaretera del cine mexicano en los procesos de promoción y venta 1931-1950
Auteur Jesús Alberto Cabañas Osorio
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 7, 2012 Imaginaire et réalité dans les Amériques: mémoire, identité et politique sexuelle
Résumé anglais This essay examines the processes of promoting and selling the cabaret of Mexican cinema in the period 1931 and 1950. Analyzes the beginning of the Mexican film industry to the theme of the cabaretera, and their representation is linked to the production models proposed by the United States. In this sense, this work shifts observed artistic content of the films to schematics and paradigmatic formulations of the representation. The result of this the woman body is reduced to basic signs to outline the same attitudes, movements, poses physical actions and dramatic structures of the films. In the process, the representation leaves to the cabaretera first like erotic and seduction schematization and then as an object for consumption goods easier in the field of development of mass culture. In this context the cabaretera body is trapped in a mode of female object. Forms of representation as a result of the staging director to highlight and assign new meanings to parts of the body. A construction fetishist film body image cinematography in the poster and stereotypes formulates the cabaretera stories.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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