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Titre Leopardo al sol : la monstruosidad desvelada de la Colombia del narcotráfico
Auteur Françoise Bouvet
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 11, 2014 Monstres et monstruosités dans les représentations esthétiques et sociales
Rubrique / Thématique
 Monstres et monstruosités
Résumé anglais Through a process of revenge opposing two clans of drug traffickers, Laura Restrepo's novel Leopardo al sol, shows us a portrayal of the new society that emerges in Colombia with the massive development of the drug economy in the 80s. In this society marked by the cult of money and violence, the monstrous actions are becoming more numerous. We will see that behind the capos, these obvious but ambiguous monsters of violence, other characters are hidden, which can be as monstrous as them. From the women of the clan, apparently outside the reach of violence, to the average citizen, the entire society will end up revealing a monstrous aspect, on a physical, moral or psychological level. Laura Restrepo will lead us to consider if this monstrosity is rooted in the human nature itself or in the nascent society of drug trafficking.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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