Contenu de la rubrique

Titre Les coûts économiques, sociaux et sanitaires du mal-logement. Introduction
Auteur Juliette Baronnet
Mir@bel Revue Recherche sociale
Numéro No 204, octobre-décembre 2012 Les coûts sociaux du mal-logement. Définition, cadre méthodologique et première évaluation
Page 7-9
Résumé anglais Social and housing actors claim for many years about the social consequences of poor housing on social and personal inclusion. Taking this fact into consideration, Fondation Abbé Pierre launched a study which aims to bring awareness of the social cost of poor housing, considering public spending and induce costs for health, employment and education… The objective is to overpass these findings, to demonstrate the positive costs of sustainable investment in housing policy. Coming from a literature review and surveys on public administration and operational actors, the analyses produce in this first-finding research, show the first knowledge elements available in France and set the base for an evaluation of the social costs. analysis the way public policies addresses this issue.
Source : Éditeur (via
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