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Titre Les freins et obstacles à l'entrepreneuriat féminin
Auteur Benjamin Badia, Florence Brunet et Pauline Kertudo
Mir@bel Revue Recherche sociale
Numéro No 208, octobre-décembre 2013 Les femmes et le défi de la conciliation entre vie professionnelle et vie familiale. Le cas des entrepreneuses et des mères en congé parental
Page 7
Résumé anglais Based on qualitative interviews of women entrepreneurs, the study first investigates their social and professional backgrounds but also their motivations to create a business. Five major types of women's entrepreneurship can be identified : the “vocationnal-creation”, the “emancipation-creation”, the “work-family reconciliation-creation”, the “new start-creation”, and the “last chance-creation”.
We then highlight the difficulties they face while creating their business in a society where gender inequalities remain strong. The professional carrier of the husband and the birth and raise of children appear to be the strongest challenge. As a conclusion, the study shows how the support offered by local policies address the needs of women entrepreneurs and could be strengthened.
Source : Éditeur (via
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