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Titre La novela sicaresca colombiana o la crónica de una Muerte ordinaria
Auteur Françoise Bouvet
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 12, 2015 La mort : imaginaires et sociétés
Rubrique / Thématique
 L'imaginaire de la mort en littérature
Résumé anglais In the 80s and 90s, thanks to the prospering drug trafficking, appeared in Colombia a new type of criminals, hired killers that the cartels recruited among disillusioned teenagers coming from the poorest districts of Medellín. With this widespread violence, death became common, omnipresent and threatening in the Colombian society. This phenomenon interested the literary sphere and several authors started to focus the story of their novels on this violence originated by drug, until appeared the word “sicaresca”, inspired by the “picaresca” of the Spanish Golden Age, to define that literary genre. Through three novels, Rosario Tijeras by Jorge Franco, Leopardo al sol by Laura Restrepo y La Virgen de los sicarios by Fernando Vallejo, this article will first analyse the different facets of Death in the “sicaresca” and then, question its sacred or ordinary aspect, and the unprecedented duel which seems to pit life and death in that narrative.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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