Contenu de l'article

Titre Vaciamiento, espectacularización, profanación. La muerte del padre en el espacio autobiográfico joven
Auteur Mariano Ernesto Mosquera
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 12, 2015 La mort : imaginaires et sociétés
Rubrique / Thématique
 L'imaginaire de la mort en littérature
Résumé anglais This paper interrogates contemporary literary practices that intersect the narrative of one's life with the youth of the autobiographer. One of the recurring subjects of this « young autobiographical space » is the fictionalization of a parent's death as an intimate violence. This paper aims to analyze and compare the configurations of three Argentinean works where the experience of loss is not just a matter of representation but also a key issue that determines the writing machine. In Una idea genial by Inés Acevedo, the narrative boosts the inhospitable nature of rural life in order to make orphanhood, elision and voiding the central features of her self-figuration strategy. In Mi libro enterrado by Mauro Libertella, however, the narrative proceeds to a thorough presentation of the decay and death of the father, as a way of mourning but also as a process of stripping that figure who embodied an excess of tradition that could immobilize the writing itself. Finally, in Diario de una princesa montonera by Mariana Eva Perez, a daughter of disappeared parents uses irony as a mechanism that deautomatizes public memory spaces of the last Argentinian dictatorship.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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