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Titre « La Muerte Calaca ». Apuntes en torno a la personificación de la Huesuda en la lírica tradicional de México
Auteur Claudia Carranza Vera
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 12, 2015 La mort : imaginaires et sociétés
Rubrique / Thématique
 Mort et société
Résumé anglais In México, death has countless everyday representations, that can be interpreted from the symbolism of common elements that have made upon its image: as equalizing, reeper, but also spurned lover. This entity is not at all a foreign in our country, she shares the vicissitudes of living, thats the way it is representated by artists and poets. In popular forms, this being has a comic perspective, sometimes ironic, that reflects life itself. This is the way that can be seen in popular lyric, as we will see in this study.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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