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Titre Cuando “el muerto ideológico resucita chispeante”
Auteur Joël Delhom, Celia Rodríguez Olaya
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 12, 2015 La mort : imaginaires et sociétés
Rubrique / Thématique
 Mort et société
Résumé anglais We analyse how two monthly anarchist papers (Los Parias and La Protesta) and one middle-class weekly magazine (Variedades) deal with the violent death of the Peruvian workers. The anarchist papers produced a symbolic and ritual system that contributed to the strengthening of workers' sociocultural identity. Death was transfigured and turned into the triumph of life. On the other hand, dominant classes hid the massacres and delivered a reassuring message in order to exorcize their revolutionary fears. In both cases there is an ideological reconfiguration of death.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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