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Titre Libertad Demitrópulos : Una narrativa de los vencidos. En torno a Sabotaje en el álbum familiar
Auteur Florencia Abbate
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 12, 2015 La mort : imaginaires et sociétés
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais This article analyzes Libertad Dimitrópulos's novel Sabotaje en el árbol familiar, attempting to unveil the different ways in which the text assumes a series of decentered positions with regards to literary genres and geographic regions, as well as its protagonist-subjects and their value-systems. The analysis aims to make visible –in the work of this female author who has received small critical attention- a constellation defined by the choice of literary genres usually held as “lesser”, a “provincial” narrative perspective and a critical gaze towards the dominant social order. All of which find expression through a plurality of subaltern voices who stage a triple oppression : of class, gender and ethnic, configuring in this way a narrative that would assume an antagonistic form to that of the “victors' epic”.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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