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Titre L'identité de petit État sans la condition de faible puissance ? Le répertoire d'action multilatérale de Singapour
Auteur Delphine Alles
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 71, avril-juin 2016 Les petits États au prisme du multilatéralisme
Rubrique / Thématique
Thema : Les petits États au prisme du multilatéralisme
Page 39-54
Résumé anglais The Small State Identity without the Weak Power Condition? Singapore's Course of Multilateral Action I n international relations, it is common to associate, or even superimpose, the notions of “small states” and “weak power”. Yet, small states mobilize resources and a repertoire of actions in multilateral negotiations to allow themselves to assert their interests against negotiation partners at first seemingly more powerful than them. Singaporean officials have endeavoured to maintain a small state identity (despite characteristics that would invalidate this label). Meanwhile, Singapore has avoided the “weak state” condition to weigh on negotiations which it considers a priority (particularly in the areas of international trade and maritime law). This policy is based on the deployment of a diplomacy network which offsets the numerical weakness of the diplomatic apparatus, and a technocratic soft power, which helps to create an international environment conducive to the interests of the city-state. However, the ad hoc and selective nature of Singapore's commitment in multilateral negotiations is a limitation that should be included in the definition of small states. ■
Source : Éditeur (via
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