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Titre Appréhension et expérience de la pluralité religieuse dans les prisons en Suisse et en Italie : une approche par l'ethnographie
Auteur Irene Becci, Mohammed Khalid Rhazzali, Valentina Schiavinato
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 72, juillet-septembre 2016 Enfermement et catégorisations
Rubrique / Thématique
Thema Enfermement et catégorisations
Page 73-90
Résumé anglais Perception and Experience of Religious Plurality in Swiss and Italian Prisons: An Ethnographic Approach For over twenty years, social and cultural globalization have fed the emergence of unprecedented religious plurality in Swiss and Italian prisons. For penal institutions that guarantee freedom of worship and conscience, this “super-diversity” leads to new arrangements and an effort to formally oversee religion (chaplaincies, meals, religious celebrations). The inmates, for their part, draw upon their religious experience in various ways, sometimes as a means for resisting the institution, sometimes in the form of “private” practice or official demands. An ethnographic and epistemological approach sensitive to the situation and enriched by several years of research conducted since 2005 allows one to consider the religious categories used by penal institutions while exploring the manner in which the prisoners' agency is reflected in their appropriation of religion.
Source : Éditeur (via
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