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Titre Victimes cherchent statut désespérément : le cas des « bébés volés » en Espagne
Auteur Gabriel Gatti, Sandrine Revet
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 72, juillet-septembre 2016 Enfermement et catégorisations
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 93-111
Résumé anglais Victims Desperately Seeking Status: The Case of the “Stolen Babies” in Spain Since 2005, a group of victims has emerged in Spain in connection with what is generically referred to as the “baby theft”. Independently of the fact that the emergence of this “case” must be set in the context of a broader phenomenon – that of the birth and consolidation of a “new victims' space” in Spain – these victims possess a twofold characteristic: the multiplicity of causes that produce them and the variety of the categories to which they turn in referring to and conceiving of themselves. The relative unity of this victim group does not therefore stem from the fact of their present condition but rather from their effort to find a status – that is, an existence, whether nominal (the fact of being a victim) or legal (the fact of being recognized as such). Faced with this quest for recognition, which implements the tools of citizenship, the frontiers often erected between victims and citizens become porous and even completely disappear.
Source : Éditeur (via
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