Contenu de l'article

Titre Marxisme et sociologie : quelles rencontres ?
Auteur Frédéric Lebaron, Jean-Numa Ducange
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 60, 2016 Une classe dominante mondiale ?
Rubrique / Thématique
En débat
Page 168-176
Résumé anglais Marxism and Sociology: the Points of Encounter
In this interview Frédéric Lebaron reflects on his relation to Marx and to Marxist traditions, in particular regarding the governing orientation of his research project. The interview goes on to examine the relations and confrontations which exist between various Marxisms and sociological approaches, with specific reference to the question of the “Marxo-Weberian” paradigm. A number of recent works in the field of sociology are also discussed, notably those by Julian Mischi on French communism. More generally, F. Lebaron reappraises the question of the possible meeting-points between various readings of Marx and certain approaches drawing on the project of Pierre Bourdieu, despite the divergence that exists between them on certain essential points, in terms of their epistemological presuppositions. F. Lebaron therefore highlights the convergence between traditions which do indeed differ, but whose complementarity appears to him fruitful.
Source : Éditeur (via
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