Contenu de l'article

Titre La valorisation du genre dans quelques termes du langage religieux
Auteur Sabina Crippa
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 111, septembre 1993 Genres culturels et interculturels, sous la direction de Luce Irigaray
Page 39-47
Résumé anglais Analysis of responses in Italian to instructions to make a sentence with one of the following words : celibato (celibate), vergine (virgin), divinità (divinity), or to give the definition of the words dio (god) or dea (goddess) confirms that male respondents choose themselves as the subject of discourse at the expense of feminine subjects, and that they privilege terms which represent their own sex. Women avoid defining themselves as subjects and privilege male or neuter subjects, even when the cue induces a feminine subject or a representation of the feminine gender.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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