Titre | La mise en ordre des relations actancielles : les conditions d'accès des rôles actanciels aux fonctions de sujet et d'objet | |
Auteur | J. François, J. Broschart | |
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Revue | Langages |
Numéro | no 113, mars 1994 Les relations actancielles. Sémantique, syntaxe, morphologie, sous la direction de Jacques François et Gisa Rauh | |
Page | 7-44 | |
Résumé anglais |
The aim of this contribution is to contrast different conceptions of the linking between semantic roles (agent, patient, experiencer, locative, benefactive, etc.) and syntactic functions (subject, direct and indirect object), especially investigating the form of an access hierarchy. We begin with the notion of (un)marked selection of subject and object in Fillmore's semantic case theory. Then we trace the evolution of the principle of « thematic hierarchy » in JackendofPs model of conceptual semantics. The third section is devoted to the discussion of universality and accessibility of the syntactic functions « subject » and « object » from a functionalist point of view. The fourth section is concerned with the distinction between case marking systems and the observed shifts from one system to another. Finally we demonstrate that the « participation » model of the UNITYP group in Cologne is able to provide a multi-factorial description of the grammaticalisation of case relations. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/doc/lgge_0458-726x_1994_num_28_113_1667 |