Contenu de l'article

Titre L'hypothèse de l'histoire et la sous-détermination grammaticale
Auteur Sylvain Auroux
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 114, juin 1994 Mémoire, histoire, langage, sous la direction de Jean-Jacques Courtine
Page 25-40
Résumé anglais The Historical Hypothesis and the Grammatical Under-Determination of Language. Sylvain Auroux's work is an attempt at establishing the epistemologie al foundations of a scientific perspective integrating history as major data in the field of language sciences. Through a critical reading of the formalist reduction of linguistic creativity to linguistic recursivity, this article shows how empirical language belongs to history, and how linguistic interactions are only partly determined by grammar.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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