Contenu de l'article

Titre Un débat sans mémoire : la querelle de l'orthographe en France (1893-1991)
Auteur Michel Arrive
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 114, juin 1994 Mémoire, histoire, langage, sous la direction de Jean-Jacques Courtine
Page 69-83
Résumé anglais A Controversy without Memory : the French Struggle over Spelling (1893-1991). Michel Arrive 's article surveys over a hundred years various episodes of the French interminable feud over spelling reforms. It stresses the paradoxical nature of the controversy, as far as the question of collective memory is concerned : this debate about memory is a debate with no memory. And indeed the same antagonistic arguments are being used again and again over the years in a sort of endless repetition. This contribution shows how this attachment to spelling is an essential part of the French collective linguistic memory.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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