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Titre Les compléments nominaux du verbe lire, une illustration de la notion de « classe d'objets »
Auteur D. Le Pesant
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 115, septembre 1994 Sélection et sémantique. Classes d'objets, compléments appropriés, compléments analysables, sous la direction de Jacqueline Giry-Schneider
Page 31-46
Résumé anglais This article purports to illustrate the concept of class of objects, derived by Gaston Gross from computer science. About 1500 nouns share the common characteristic of being directs objects to the verb lire (to read). According to what verbs can accept what objects, it is possible to subdivide this wide class into many semantically homogeneous subclasses. These are classes of objects, they are defined by the type of syntactic relations, that they have with verbs called appropriate operators.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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