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Titre Combinaisons appropriées des constructions complétives
Auteur M. Mohri
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 115, septembre 1994 Sélection et sémantique. Classes d'objets, compléments appropriés, compléments analysables, sous la direction de Jacqueline Giry-Schneider
Page 47-63
Résumé anglais Some verb-noun combinations require specific studies. Here, we shall present a set of such combinations which are composed of a verb admitting sentential complements and a predicative noun. These combinations which we shall call appropriate do not share the properties generally observed. Indeed, unlike the majority of other groups of verb and predicative noun, some of these combinations do not allow the application of general transformations. Also, in some cases, the predicative noun of these combinations can be dropped from a sentence without producing any loss of information. Using these two criteria, we shall give a precise definition of these appropriate combinations.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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