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Titre Étude des objets nominaux de verbes de parole anglais ; comparaison avec le français
Auteur N. Kübler
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 115, septembre 1994 Sélection et sémantique. Classes d'objets, compléments appropriés, compléments analysables, sous la direction de Jacqueline Giry-Schneider
Page 76-102
Résumé anglais The object of this paper is to explore the syntactic structures of the English report verbs and to compare them with the French verb structures. Among these structures we single out for special attention the verbs to say and to tell, as well as the particular noun complements they accept. It will be shown that, although they share the same defining structure NO V That S to N2, they do not accept the same noun complements. Different derivations will be proposed to analyze the various noun complements which are allowed after report verbs. The table shown in the appendix illustrates the way lists of appropriate nouns for specific verbs are made out. In the second part of this paper, the comparison between appropriate nouns of the French verb dire and the two corresponding English verbs to say and to tell brings out the differences and similarities of the two systems. The linguistic phenomena are very similar, e.g. the use of support verbs and appropriate nouns. Each verb however has specific uses —whether in English or in French. A possible answer to these specific use is the careful working-out of a lexicon-grammar.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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